Golda Addo

A propos de Golda Addo

Golda Addo is a Trainer, Researcher, and Strategist for Businesses looking to develop or improve in the areas of Monitoring & Evaluation, Communications, Results-based Management, Policies and Structures. She has spent 13 years consulting for various foreign donors, government top offices, CSOs, private, local and international projects across Benin, Nigeria, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Tunisia, Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Ghana, etc as well as worked with top government offices in the United Kingdom in all the above areas. 

Golda was the chair of Gender4Results (an AfDB-hosted platform for African development) from 2013 to 2016 where she worked with over 100 women from all over Africa to determine Results-based approaches to improving GESI on the continent. She has sustained transformational education, support, and governance and leadership training since then for many females and communities across Ghana and the West African sub-region. She is heavily invested in the development of communities and disenfranchised communities across Ghana and Africa through data-centred and results-focused strategies and approaches.

Her PORTFOLIO includes: 

Led on Monitoring & Evaluation for a 2-year Policy Review project funded by UKAid (DfID) for the Office of the President of Ghana and its Cabinet Secretariat- within which a deep dive review was carried out on the Ministry of Health and we worked closely with Ghana Health Service. 

Developed and implemented a 2-week programme in Tanzania (for a British fund administered by ActionAid Denmark and Africans Rising) for 10 endangered political activists from 8 African countries in a residency aimed at providing them strategic and critical skills in good documentation, cyber-security, digital safety, networking, and communications. 

Trained approx. 160 HR Managers across Southern and Middle Belt regions of Ghana working under Local Government (Civil Service) as part of Performance improvement and management. 

DANIDA – Ghana (before they closed operations in Ghana) for a Danish-funded programme that invested in building the capacities of the Coalition of Health Associations in Ghana (CHAG) as part of a package that included Performance Monitoring. 

IDEG (Institute for Democratic Governance) – evaluated their end-of-pilot project for boosting capacities of 7 of the small political parties of Ghana in order to boost multiparty democracy. 

Provided Strategic Support and Communications Direction for a global health event celebration for the ARNTD Group responsible for neglected tropical diseases in the country in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Service. 

Project-managed an EU-funded research into Malaria Prevention across Gabon, Ghana, Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, France, and Germany. 

Supported National Health Insurance Authority Managers for an IFC (World Bank) support project concerning rural health payment scheme challenges and how to identify, track, and resolve them (programme was called AHME). 

Supported clients of LADA (Law & Development Associates) seeking by-law implementation or upgrades for their metropolitan activities. 

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