Germaine Acogny
Dancer - choreographer
At 75 years old, the dancer-choreographer interpreted this spring in Paris, Mon Élue Noire, piece written for her by Olivier Dubois in 2014 and awarded in 2018 of a Bessie Award, in New York City

Born in Benin, Germaine Acogny arrived in Senegal at the age of four. is considered the pioneer of contemporary African dance.

Every morning she pays homage to nature, because she never forgets that she is the little one. daughter of a Yoruba priestess. To the gestural heritage of her ancestor and to the techniques traditional African techniques mingle with the western techniques she acquired in the course of his apprenticeship in Paris and New York. From 1977 to 1982, she directed Mudra Afrique under the sponsorship of choreographer Maurice Béjart and President Léopold Sédar Senghor. At the closure of Mudra, she moved to Brussels with the Maurice Béjart company and organized African dance workshops. In 1985, she created with her husband Helmut Vogt the school-studio Ballet Théâtre du 3e Monde, in Toulouse. In 1995, she returned to Senegal and founded the Jant-bi association.

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